An all-in-one solution, ReefTec takes your product from warehouse to Amazons listings and straight to your customer’s doorstep… ALL without you lifting a finger. We are the easiest, most reliable turn-key solution to selling more than the competition on Amazon.
And the best part?
We provide our core services free of charge and you don’t have to know how to sell on Amazon.
Because we do.

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The Greatest Opportunity of Our Lifetime

You’ve seen the growth of e-commerce in the last decade, a rocket ship soaring over 11% of pure growth. And you want in on the action. With a predicted $11 trillion increase by 2025, there’s never been a better time to jump into the game.
And Amazon is the biggest, most lucrative e-commerce shop of all.

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The Problem

Selling on Amazon can be like hiking through a jungle. And without an experienced guide – you’re as good as lost.

From keeping track of constantly changing regulations, to brand management and marketing, selling on Amazon is a whole adventure unto itself. Do you have the skills for this adventure?

If you’re like most Amazon sellers… you don’t.

We Make Selling Easy

That’s why we’re here. We are your guide through the jungle. ReefTec manages everything from A to Z so you can focus on what you do best – manufacturing a great product.
And we start by breaking the process down into simple steps, each skillfully fulfilled by experts in their field.

Warehouse Storage

We buy your product in bulk and store it safely in the warehouse. This gives you instant profits before any customers even buy your product.

Advertising and Brand Management

We use targeted ads and branding to get eyes on your product. And not just any eyes. We focus on YOUR customers, the people who want your product, so you get more sales and loyal brand evangelists.

Sales Pages and Copywriting

We KNOW how to sell. Each of your products get a full, carefully crafted page persuading interested customers into buying your product. Everything from dimensions and descriptions, down to persuasive arguments that make customers convince themselves into buying your product.

Shipping Fulfillment

Fast shipping is a must - and we deliver. No more customer complaints about delayed shipping, we get your product into the customer’s hands quickly and safely.


An all-in-one solution, ReefTec takes your product from warehouse to Amazons listings and straight to your customer’s doorstep… ALL without you lifting a finger. We are the easiest, most reliable turn-key solution to selling more than the competition on Amazon.
And the best part?
We provide our core services free of charge and you don’t have to know how to sell on Amazon.
Because we do.

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The Greatest Opportunity of Our Lifetime

You’ve seen the growth of e-commerce in the last decade, a rocket ship soaring over 11% of pure growth. And you want in on the action. With a predicted $11 trillion increase by 2025, there’s never been a better time to jump into the game.
And Amazon is the biggest, most lucrative e-commerce shop of all.

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The Problem

Selling on Amazon can be like hiking through a jungle. And without an experienced guide – you’re as good as lost.

From keeping track of constantly changing regulations, to brand management and marketing, selling on Amazon is a whole adventure unto itself. Do you have the skills for this adventure?

If you’re like most Amazon sellers… you don’t.

We Make Selling Easy

That’s why we’re here. We are your guide through the jungle. ReefTec manages everything from A to Z so you can focus on what you do best – manufacturing a great product.
And we start by breaking the process down into simple steps, each skillfully fulfilled by experts in their field.

Warehouse Storage

We buy your product in bulk and store it safely in the warehouse. This gives you instant profits before any customers even buy your product.

Advertising and Brand Management

We use targeted ads and branding to get eyes on your product. And not just any eyes. We focus on YOUR customers, the people who want your product, so you get more sales and loyal brand evangelists.

Sales Pages and Copywriting

We KNOW how to sell. Each of your products get a full, carefully crafted page persuading interested customers into buying your product. Everything from dimensions and descriptions, down to persuasive arguments that make customers convince themselves into buying your product.

Shipping Fulfillment

Fast shipping is a must - and we deliver. No more customer complaints about delayed shipping, we get your product into the customer’s hands quickly and safely.

So… what’s left for you to do

Easy. Just sit back and enjoy profits and growth.
You create the product. We do everything else.

The staples of selling made easy:


Your brand should never stagnate. Keep growing using…

  • Scientifically targeted online ads.
  • Customer testimonials.
  • Fostered brand loyalty.
  • Ninja-slick sales copy.
  • Easily navigating Amazon’s regulations.
  • And a close relationship with our partners.

See more about our process here.


Too many products have no personality. In other words, they have no brand. We can help there. Foster a relationship with your customers using a personalized brand, one with actual personality and an ability to relate to your ideal consumer.

By the time we’re done with your product, your customers will seek out your brand among the dozens of bland competitors.


Do you hate logistics?

Well, we don’t!

Watch as customers painlessly receive their products on time in amazing condition. Rest at ease as we take care of the logistics of warehouse storage and shipping so you don’t have to.

Top Sellers
Team Members

You create the product, we do everything else. No need to worry about warehouse management, online ads, brand defense, or product fulfillment. We handle all of it of for you.

Enjoy instant profits when we buy directly from you. This means no need to wait until customers buy your product to know if you’ll sell your stock… because it’s already been sold.

We work closely with you to ensure maximum brand awareness and relieve any burden placed on your company. You won’t be ignored, no matter what size your company is.

Each member of our team has a track record. They’ve been in trenches long enough to see the changes in the marketplace… and know what to do about it. Our team doesn’t fail.

We know the dense jungle that is the Amazon Marketplace. You don’t need to have any idea where to start, because WE know. We’ll guide your product, step-by-step, so you don’t have to.

Speedy shipping is a must. We keep your customers happy with with soaring speeds and careful packaging to ensure your products get where they need to be on time, every time.


Contact us for a personalized breakdown of how we can assist your brand and sell your products on the biggest marketplace the world has ever seen.